2021 TFG Marine Introduction

Mass flow meters explained
Our global network
With Trafigura’s already existing business in Asia, agreements are being finalized to develop TFG Marine’s fuel supply infrastructure in China and in South Korea, adding value from both a physical supply and fleet procurement perspective.
In the medium term, TFG Marine intends to set up a bunkering operation near the United Arab Emirates port of Fujairah, the world’s second largest bunkering hub.
TFG Marine (Singapore)
10 Collyer Quay, #29-00, Ocean Financial Centre
Email: Singapore.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month and with capacity to grow higher along with logistics
Total storage of fuel oil
Total storage of distillate
TFG Marine (Geneva)
1 Rue de Jargonnant
1207 Geneva
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
South West Atlantic
TFG Marine supplies over 50,000mt of marine fuels per month in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in the South Atlantic.
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
The Port of Singapore is one of the busiest and most strategically important ports in the world, with over 51 million metric tonnes of bunker fuels sold in 2023. Trafigura is among the largest cargo operators and logistics providers in the region and with the combined fuel requirements of TFG Marine’s partners, it provides TFG Marine with both the infrastructure and demand to operate efficiently and competitively. TFG Marine’s operations in Singapore includes access to both onshore and offshore logistics. In time, TFG Marine’s operating capacity in Singapore will grow as will its fleet to include clean-energy dual-fuel barges to drive sustainable bunkering activities.
TFG Marine (Athens)
171-173 Vouliagmenis Avenue
16674, Glyfada
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
TFG Marine’s operation includes three TFG Marine-operated 5,000mt capacity barges able to provide up to 100,000mt of marine fuel per month, and over 300,000mt of onshore storage capacity. TFG Marine’s barges operating out of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Flushing and Ghent are all Shell SIRE approved; capable of performing both ship-to-ship and stern line operations, and include state-of-the-art Yokohama pneumatic fenders as well as mass flow metres to ensure the precise and accurate measurement of fuel oil delivered.
TFG Marine is also a supplier of FAME B20 and B30 grade bio-fuels at the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Flushing, providing vessel owners and charterers with a sustainably sourced, lower-carbon alternative to the current industry standard marine fuels.
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Onshore storage capacity
From international waters off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, TFG Marine’s 18,000dwt ‘Baltic Prosperity’ supplies vessels in the Caribbean Sea with up to 30,000mt of fuel per month.
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
TFG Marine (Copenhagen)
Amaliegade 5 C, 3. sal - 1256
Koebenhavn K
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
TFG Marine (Houston)
1401 McKinney St. Suite 1500 Houston
Texas 77010
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
West Africa and South Africa
TFG Marine’s fleet of nine time-chartered vessels moves bunkers up and down the West African coast supplying up to 200,000mt of marine fuel per month. In South Africa, a two-vessel operation off the coast of Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape supplies a further 42,000mt per month.
Email: Africa.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
South Korea
With Trafigura’s already existing business in Asia, agreements are being finalised to develop TFG Marine’s fuel supply infrastructure in China and in South Korea, adding value from both a physical supply and fleet procurement perspective.
US Gulf
TFG Marine operates in key lightering areas along the US Gulf Coast covering Galveston, South Sabine Pass, South West Pass and Louisiana Offshore Oil Port as well as within Corpus Christi export terminal.
TFG Marine’s additional operations within the port of Corpus Christi supply VLSFO and LSGO via the Takeuchi Sea barge within the entire facility as well as exclusively at the Magellan terminal.
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Offshore strategic locations
TFG Marine (Montevideo)
Zonamerica, Ruta 8 km 17.500
Edificio Tribute
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
Trafigura is among the largest cargo operators and logistics providers in the Panama region therefore providing TFG Marine with secure demand for marine fuels for its vessels. TFG Marine’s operations along the Panama Canal include over 2 million barrels of combined storage capacity at terminals in Balboa, at the Pacific gateway to the canal, and at the Port of Cristobal, at the city of Colon on the Caribbean Sea. With chartering agreements for eight barges operating from these two terminals, TFG Marine supplies vessels at either side of canal anchorages as well as at berth during cargo operations.
Email: Panama.sales@tfgmarine.com
Onshore storage capacity
Fuel supply capacity per month
English channel
TFG Marine’s chartered 5,000dwt ‘Naxos II’ vessel supplies up to 20,000mt of fuel per month in waters between France and the United Kingdom.
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Algoa Bay, South Africa
TFG Marine’s fleet of nine time-chartered vessels moves bunkers up and down the West African coast supplying up to 200,000mt of marine fuel per month. In South Africa, a two-vessel operation off the coast of Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape supplies a further 42,000mt per month.
Email: Africa.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Falmouth Anchorage, UK
TFG Marine operates two barges loading from the UK’s Falmouth terminal able to supply up to 35,000mt of marine fuels per month to customers across English Channel.
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
TFG Marine’s first Mediterranean operation off the coast of Malta supplies close to 40,000mt of marine fuels per month.
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Long Beach Port
TFG Marine provides LSMGO to vessels at anchorage or whilst berthed at the Port of Long Beach in California.
Email: USA.sales@tfgmarine.com
Fuel supply capacity per month
Port of Ceuta, Spain
Vilma Oil Med's marine fuel supply operations are strategically located in the Strait of Gibraltar, a major global shipping hub with over 100,000 vessels transiting annually, offering customers reliable, transparent, and efficient service.
Email: Europe.sales@tfgmarine.com